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9 Recipes Ice Cincau, Tasty and Fresh

Cincau is one of the mixture of fresh drinks that are very liked by anyone, in addition to refreshing this cincau can also provide health benefits for those who consume it. The reason most of the ingredients to make this cincau is from natural ingredients, as we know this cincau is produced from the leaves of plants.

A little review about the benefits of cincau, many believe that its properties are very pronounced to help relieve the heat inside, sore throat, and also able to lower high blood pressure, so in addition to the refreshing taste turns out to store useful properties.

well after knowing the various benefits obtained from black cincau here's how to make black jelly that is easy to make yourself at home.

Chewy Black Cincau Recipe

Chewy black cincau making materials:

- Old chopped leaves or can also be called janggelan leaves, to taste

- Substance NaOH or Abu Qi, to remove starch substances

- 1 tsp tapioca flour

- Water, to taste

How to Make Chewy Black Cincau

1. Prepare chopped leaves or janggelan leaves, then wash thoroughly with water

2. Boil the leaves of cincau or janggelan(mesona palustris) with water approximately 20 liters, and wait until the water shrinks in half

3. Use a sieve to start filtering the pulp of cincau or janggelan leaves (mesona palustris), by simply taking the starch juice

4. Let the juice of starch squeeze until a little cold, then mix with a little tapioca flour, stir again until evenly

5. Boil the squeezed water that has been mixed earlier, wait until slightly thickened, then pour into a baking dish or container that has been prepared

6. Let the cincau that has been in the baking dish until it clumps and cools

7. Black cincau ready for you to serve.

How processed black cincau that we serve is very easy to practice instead, you just follow the way and recipes only, and wait for the results. This black cincau you can combine with a mixture of ice cappucino, or other ice that we can combine with this black jelly, good luck and good luck.

Well, for those of you who want to make a practical and fresh drink, this recipe of iced cincau is perfect to try at home. Here indofoodrecipes have been summarized from various sources, 9 recipes of ice cincau, fresh, practical and suitable to drink in hot weather.


1. Ice cincau jackfruit


- 1 chopping board (800-900 gr), diced

- 1 cup diced jackfruit

- Ice cubes to taste

Gravy ingredients:

- 500 cc of water

- 100 cc instant thick coconut milk

- 100 gr of combed java sugar

- 50 cc sweetened condensed milk

- 3 pieces of pandan leaves, tied

How to make:

1. Gravy: boil all the ingredients of the gravy into one until boiling, while stirring continuously so that the coconut milk does not break. Turn off the heat, put the jackfruit in and refrigerize.

2. Presentation: arrange ice cubes and cincau in a bowl / glass. Pour the gravy with the jackfruit. Serve while it's cold.


2. Ice avocado banana cincau


- 1 large avocado, cut into pieces

- Cincau to taste, cut into pieces

- Bananas to taste, cut into pieces

- 6 tbsp creamer

- 300 ml of warm water

- Granulated sugar to taste

- Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

1. Mix creamer, water, sugar, mix well.

2. Then put the pieces of avocado, cincau, banana. Add ice cubes. Banana chopped avocado ice is ready to be served.


3. Cincau brown sugar milk


- 400 gr black diced cincau

- 500 ml milk uht full cream plain

- 3 sachets of white sweetened condensed milk

- 2 tbsp creamer (optional)

- 150-200 gr of brown sugar

- Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

1. Boil brown sugar with 150 ml of water. Then strain and refrigerize.

2. In a container enter milk full cream plain, sweetened condensed milk and creamer, mix well.

3. Serving: take a serving glass, pour a solution of brown sugar at the bottom of the glass, add the cincau then pour the milk and chill in the refrigerator.


4. Milktea Cincau


- 100-200 gr black cincau, shaved

- 25 gr of red tea

- 100 ml evaporation milk

- 100 ml of liquid milk

- 3 tbsp sweetened condensed milk

- Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

1. Brew tea with 200 ml of hot water, wait until the tea is completely concentrated.

2. Mix sweetened condensed milk into tea, then stir until evenly

3. Pour liquid milk and shredded cincau.

4. Give ice cubes and stir until evenly, milk tea cincau ready to be served.


5. Ice Cincau Cappucino.


- Cincau to taste, shaved

- Cappucino coffee, to taste

- Ice cubes to taste

- Hot water to taste

How to make:

1. Prepare a container, brew cappucino coffee with hot water, mix well. Then chill.

2. Then enter the shaved cincau and ice cubes. Iced cincau is ready to be served.


6. Ice Corn Cincau.


- 3 pieces of sweet corn

- 600 ml of water

- Black jelly to taste, cut into small dice

- 2 pandan leaves

- 750 ml coconut milk

- 250 gr of granulated sugar

- 1 tsp salt

How to make:

1. Boil sweet corn with granulated sugar and pandan leaves until slightly thickened. Remove and set aside.

2. Boil coconut milk with pandan leaves and salt while stirring until boiling. Remove and set aside.

3. Serving: pour corn stew and sugar to taste into a serving glass. Add the chopped pieces. Add the coconut milk to the brim. Can be served warm or cold.


7. Ice Cincau Pearls


- Cincau to taste, cut into pieces

- Sago pearls to taste

- Red food coloring

- Coconut milk / milk to taste

- Cocopandan syrup

- Ice cubes

How to make:

1. Boil sago pearls until cooked, then mix red dye to taste.

2. Then prepare the container enter all the ingredients, serve.


8. Iced Cincau Aren Coffee


- Ice cubes to taste

- Full cream fresh milk to taste

Black cincau:

- 2 handfuls of jelly chopped leaves

- 400 ml of boiled water

Sirop aren:

- 200 gr of palm sugar (to taste)

- 2 pieces of pandan leaves, cut into pieces

- 200 ml of water

Coffee water:

- 3 tbsp ground coffee

- 250 ml of water

- 2 tbsp granulated sugar

How to make:

1. Cincau: Mix the leaves of the cincau with 400 ml of boiled water in a container. Then knead the leaves of the chopped until lumat, slimy, and thick. Strain then store in the refrigerator until solid. Diced.

2. Sirop aren: boil all ingredients until the sugar melts. Remove and leave to cool.

3. Coffee water: boil all ingredients until boiling, then strain. Let stand until cool (preferably cooled in the refrigerator).

4. Serving: pour the palm syrup into a glass, then give ice cubes and pieces of cincau. Then pour liquid milk. Finally, enter the coffee water. Serve.


9. Ice Young Coconut Cincau.


- 1 young coconut seed, drain the coconut meat

- Black jelly, cut into small pieces

- 1 tbsp basil seeds, soak until blooming, drain

- Cocopandan syrup, to taste

- Ice cubes to taste

Coconut milk soup ingredients:

- 500 ml coconut milk from 1/2 coconut, use young coconut water to squeeze it

- 2 pandan leaves

- 1 tbsp granulated sugar

- A pinch of salt.

How to make:

1. Gravy: boil coconut milk, pandan leaves, granulated sugar and salt while stirring until boiling. Chill.

2. Arrange in a bowl, young coconut, black jelly, basil seeds, ice cubes then pour the coconut milk gravy that has been cold and cocopandan syrup to taste.

3. Serve.

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