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6 Ways to Make Bika Ambon Chewy and Delicious

Bika Ambon is a traditional cake that is usually identical as a souvenir from Medan, North Sumatra. This cake has a unique nesting texture and a naturally bright yellow color thanks to the abundant use of egg yolks, and turmeric.

The soft taste and distinctive chewy texture make Bika Ambon one of the traditional cakes that are still selling well today. Now, Bika Ambon that suits your taste can be made directly from the kitchen. Because, it turns out that only simple materials and equipment are needed to be able to make good Ambon Bika.

Here's a recipe for Bika Ambon, a Medan specialty cake that is sweet, savory, and nestled instead of being curious, just look at some of the Bika Ambon recipes that are chewy, and delicious.

1. Original Bika Ambon Recipe


Bika ambon original has a very special sweet taste. This special taste often makes you miss and addicted. As a result, although now there are many variants of flavor, bika ambon original remains one of the most favorite. Here's a favorite original bika ambon recipe.

Coconut milk ingredients:

- Take 1000 ml of coconut milk from 2 coconuts

- 3 pieces of pandan leaves

- 10 pieces of orange leaves

- 1 lemongrass stick

- 2 segments of turmeric cut into pieces

- 1/2 tsp salt

Cake ingredients:

- 10 egg yolks

- 2 whole eggs

- 400 ml cooked coconut milk

- 300 gr of sago flour

- 300 gr of granulated sugar


- 1 tbsp flour

- 6 tbsp warm water

- 1 pack of fermipan (yeast)

- 1 tsp granulated sugar

How to make:

1) Cook all the coconut milk ingredients over medium heat until 400 ml remains. Remove, refrigerated.

2) Mix into one ingredient. Let stand for 10 minutes.

3) Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until the sugar dissolves.

4) Lower the speed of the mixer, put coconut milk and sago flour alternately until exhausted. Mix well.

5) Enter the handlebars. Mix well again. Turn off the mixer and strain the dough.

6) Beat the dough with wooden centong for at least 15 minutes.

7) Cover the container, let the dough stand for about 3 hours.

8) Prepare a baking sheet 18x18cm. Spread margarine and sprinkle flour. Heat the baking sheet together while heating the oven.

9) Pour the dough into a hot baking dish. Bake 180°C for 40 minutes. Leave the oven slightly open for the first 30 minutes, then close the oven tightly, bake until cooked through.

10) Remove and cut into pieces after the cake is cold. Serve.

2. Bika Ambon Mini Recipe


In addition to the taste, variants of bika ambon also appear in the form of form. Yes, we can make bika ambon with various sizes. If all this time bika ambon large size, so it must be cut into pieces, now you can make a small-size bika ambon that can be eaten immediately. Here's an adorable mini bika ambon recipe that can be eaten immediately.

Ingredient A:

- 150 ml thick coconut milk

- 1 stick of lemongrass, bruise

- 5 pieces of orange leaves purut number 8

- 1 cm turmeric, puree

- 1/4 tsp salt

Material B/biang:

- 1 tsp (4 gr) instant yeast

- 1 tbsp granulated sugar

- 75 ml of warm water

- 25 gr high protein wheat flour

Material C:

- 125 gr of sago/tapioca flour

- 15 gr white glutinous flour

- 135 gr of refined granulated sugar

- 3 medium size eggs

- 1 tbsp peres liquid margarine room temperature

How to make:        

1. Mix ingredients A, cook while stirring slowly until boiling, do not break. Remove, then strain into 125 ml only and leave the room temperature.

2. Mix ingredients B (biang) mix well, let stand 30 minutes until expanded.

3. Beat eggs and refined granulated sugar until thick white, add sago flour and glutinous flour while sifted, mix well.

4. Enter the dough biang, pour coconut milk little by little while the dough is stirred until smooth. Finally enter the liquid margarine, mix well. Let stand 2-3 hours until the dough expands.

5. Grease a baking sheet with margarine, then sprinkle wheat flour.

6. Preheat the oven to medium heat then turn it down.

7. Pour the dough into a baking dish 3/4 only. The dough should not be stirred again. Bake over low heat until cooked for about 15-20 minutes only.

3. Bika Ambon Pandan Recipe


Bika ambon pandan has a beautiful green color. In addition, the fragrant aroma of pandanus is also more appetizing. So, who can resist the delicacy of bika ambon pandan? Here's a recipe for bika ambon pandan that is appetizing.


- 100 cc of warm water or coconut water

- 1 tbsp medium pro flour

- 1 tbsp granulated sugar

- 1 tsp instant yeast

Egg batter:

- 10 egg yolks

- 2 whole eggs

- 200 gr of granulated sugar

- 125 gr sago farmer

- 1 tbsp glutinous flour

- 1 tbsp medium pro flour

- 300 ml warm coconut milk

- 1 tsp salt

- 1 tbsp liquid butter

How to make:

1. Process the ingredients, mix the dry ingredients flat then pour water a little while stirring until flat there are no clots. Let stand 15 minutes.

2. Beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy with a high speed mixer.

3. Reduce the mixer speed to the smallest. Pour the mixer for a while until smooth.

4. Put the dry ingredients slightly alternately with coconut milk until exhausted at a slow speed.

5. Stir the dough at high speed for 5 minutes. Cover the container and leave for 4 hours.

6. Then pour the butter and mix well until there are no deposits and no foam.

7. Heat a heatproof baking sheet filled with sand for baking mat, heat a baking sheet size 18x 18 cm on it. Pour the dough into a baking dish that has been smeared with butter and sprinkled with sago thinly.

8. Bake for about 30 minutes until the surface is slightly dry and out small bubbles.

9. Transfer to the oven at 150°C, bake briefly over the top heat until golden brown.


4. Bika Ambon Greentea Recipe


In addition to coffee, bika ambon can also be made using greentea flavor. No less with the taste of coffee, bika ambon greentea also has a special taste and aroma. Here's a recipe bika ambon greentea that you should try.


- 3 tbsp flour

- 1 tsp granulated sugar

- 1 tsp instant yeast

- 50 ml coconut water

- 85 gr of sago flour

- 2 tsp green tea powder

- 1/2tsp vanilla

- 150 ml of thick coconut milk to add less

- 3 pieces of pandan leaves cut into pieces

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 3 yolks

- 1 egg

- 115 gr of granulated sugar

- 1 tbsp coconut oil / liquid margarine

How to make:

1. Cook coconut milk with salt over low heat until boiling edges, do not take too long.

2. Lift and strain until it reaches 150 ml. Set aside.

3. In a mixing bowl flour, 1 tsp granulated sugar, instant yeast and coconut water mix well cover and let stand 15 minutes.

4. Beat the sugar and eggs with whisk for a while until the sugar dissolves. Mix sago and green tea powder.

5. Then put the dough into it, while stirring pour coconut milk slightly mix well.

6. Enter the beaten egg mix well, lastly enter coconut oil / margarine liquid mix well, cover and leave for 2 hours.

7. Heat the mold over low heat alasi mold base with iron so that it is not easily burnt.

8. Spread the mold with coconut oil pour the dough until 3/4 full, wait until the dough is almost dry then cover the roasting mold until cooked.

9. Bake the top of the bika using teflon for a while if you want to look brownie surface.


5. Bika Ambon Cheese Recipe


Savory cheese can also be an additional ingredient when going to make a delicious bika ambon. The way of making it is not difficult and not much different from other recipes bika ambon. Curious? Just check the recipe below.

Coconut milk ingredients:

- 65 ml coconut milk kara

- 170 ml of water

- 1 stick of lemongrass, bruise

- 3 pieces of pandan leaves

- 6 pieces of orange leaves, remove the bones of the leaves

- 1/4 tsp turmeric powder or 1 cm turmeric, bruise


- 25 gr triangular wheat flour

- 50 ml of coconut water or warm water

- 1 tsp granulated sugar

- 1 tsp instant yeast peres

Material C:

- 4 egg yolks

- 80-100 gr of granulated sugar

- 30-50 gr cheddar cheese, grated

- 1/4 tsp salt

Material D:

- 75 gr of sago flour

How to make:

1. Boil all the coconut milk ingredients, stirring constantly so as not to break, over low heat until the coconut milk becomes 150 ml. remove, leave to cool, then strain.

2. Mix all the ingredients, mix well so that the dough becomes thick. Let stand until fluffy for 15 minutes.

3. Mixer material C with low speed to half inflated, approximately 2-3 minutes.

4. Then enter the ingredients D, mixer back until well mixed (dough is a bit thick).

5. Add the coconut milk ingredients that have been cold, mixer until well mixed (diluted dough).

6. Put the ingredients, mixer until all well blended. Then strain.

7. When filtered there is a pulp of grated cheese, put it in the dough and stir gently until smooth.

8. Let stand for 2 hours, cover the dough with a clean cloth.

9. Stir gently until all well blended.

10. Spread the mud cake mold with cooking oil, then heat over medium heat tends to be large until completely hot.


6. Bika Ambon Chocolate Recipe           


Almost everyone loves the sweet taste of chocolate. Now, you can also make bika ambon with chocolate flavor. In fact, chocolate can add strong sweetness and legit taste of bika ambon. Here's a recipe for chocolate bika ambon which is a pity if missed.


- 2 eggs

- 2 tbsp melted butter


- 50 grams of granulated sugar

- 50 ml of warm water

- 1 tsp yeast

Liquid material:

- 200 ml thick coconut milk

- 9 pieces of orange leaves

- 2 sticks lemongrass, puree

- 150 gr of granulated sugar (to taste)

- A pinch of salt

Dry ingredients:

- 100 gr tapioca

- 50 gr of wheat

- 20 gr cocoa powder

How to make:

1. Mix all liquid materials, bring to the boil. Strain, then set aside.

2. Mix all the ingredients, let stand for 10 minutes.

3. Beat the eggs and melted butter until smooth.

4. Enter the liquid ingredients, mix well. Then add the dry ingredients. Stir until slippery.

5. Let stand for 1 hour until fluffy.

6. Pour into a preheated mold lined with iron plate. Cook over low heat.

7. Leave until the dough is slightly dry and perforated. Then cover with a saucepan lid for 5 minutes. Remove and serve.


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