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3 Recipes to Make Sekoteng Tasty and Fresh

Sago Mutiara is a kind of confectionery made from tapioca or tapioca flour. This semi-transparent, small granular food is commonly known in many countries, especially in East, Southeast and South Asia. Snacks that are often combined in sweet pastries, porridge, or drinks, in English are known as tapioca pearls.

In Sunda, West Java this Chinese girlfriend is called sekoteng or sago pearl there is also called pomegranate seeds. Here is a collection of various creations processed recipes sago pearls or raw sekoteng complete with how to make your own at home (Homemade) simple, easy and practical for your own consumption.

Raw Pearl Sago Recipe


- 250 grams of tapioca flour/kanji/sago

- 150 ml of hot water

- Culinary coloring

- Wheat flour for a little sprinkle

How to make raw pearl sago :

1. Put tapioca flour on a container then add hot water a little while stirring with a spoon.

2. After a bit cold just kneaded by hand. Add a little more tapioca if it's still sticky.

3. For some parts then love culinary coloring.

4. Prepare plastic or flat place, put the dough on it then crazy using a rolling pin,

5. Don't get too thick and not thin either.

6. After grinding, cut lengthwise and cut into small pieces

7. Don't forget to always sprinkle with flour so it doesn't stick.

8. Then dry in the sun to dry, or can also be directly boiled.

9. Boil it a bit worn yes, boil until it looks clear.

10. Once cooked, remove and put in a container of boiled water. Let the color become clearer.

11. Ready to use.


1. Sekoteng Ice

Sekoteng is one type of food that is usually made into a fresh drink either served in the heat or served in a cold state. Sekoteng is a typical drink from Indonesia precisely that comes from the island of Java. This sekoteng ice drink is very suitable to be enjoyed during the day that is so hot and sunny.

Ice sekoteng is usually served not alone, but there are other complementary ingredients that are commonly combined to make this drink for example such as agar-agar, fruit and so on. One of the ingredients that usually complement this sekoteng is green beans or can also be customized to your liking. And this time we'll try to make it ourselves in the following way.

Recipes To Make Ice Sekoteng Tasty and Fresh


- 150 gr sekoteng green color or red color

- finely wrinklesed ice cubes to taste

- sweetened condensed milk to taste

- brown sugar syrup to taste

- 1 ripe avocado

- young coconuts scraped

How to Make Delicious Sekoteng Ice:

1. Prepare one bowl to serve sekoteng ice

2. Put the finely dissolved ice cubes in a serving bowl

3. Also enter young coconuts, avocados that have been scraped and sekoteng

4. Add sweetened condensed milk and I steal it with brown sugar

5. Stir evenly with a spoon and ready for you to enjoy

Well, now it's time for you to try these Recipes and How to Make Sekoteng Ice. And of course this sekoteng ice can increase your spirit in carrying out your daily activities.


2. Wedang Sekoteng

With a mixture of fruit, peanuts, green beans and bread, wedang sekoteng is one of the favorite traditional drinks. Not only healthy, and also refreshing with the addition of ice cubes, sekoteng is also very easy to make.

Recipe Wedang Sekoteng

- 150 gr of green beans, boiled until tender

- 150 gr of pearl sago, boiled until cooked

- 150 gr peanuts, roast, remove the skin

- 5 pieces of fresh bread, cut into dice-sized pieces

Ginger soup ingredients:

- 250 gr ginger, geprek

- 250 gr of granulated sugar

- 2 liters of water

- Sweetened condensed, to taste

How to make:

1. Boil water, ginger, and granulated sugar until boiling. Set aside.

2. Put the green beans, pearl sago, and fresh bread in a bowl. Use the measure to taste.

3. Flush with ginger gravy. Add sweetened condensed to taste.

4. Sprinkle with peanuts.

5. Serve while warm.

Good luck with the recipes of wedang sekoteng above!


3. Sekoteng Porridge

How to make this pearl porridge is quite easy and simple, but it tastes quite good either served in a warm or cold state. In addition, with the addition of coconut milk, makes it taste quite sweet and savory. It is suitable served to everyone.


- 1 pack of pearl sago,

- 2 packs of instant coconut milk (size 65 ml) + water 150ml,

- 75 grams of granulated sugar (can be added or reduced to taste sweet),

- 1 liter of water,

- 1 pandan leaf

How to Make Sekoteng Porridge:

1. Prepare a saucepan and cook the water until it really boils, then put the sago pearls. Stir briefly until the pearl color is reddish, then turn off the stove. Let stand about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

2. Cook the pearl sago again until completely cooked, then add sugar. If the water runs out can be added more water until the pearl sago is cooked. Set aside.

3. Cook coconut milk together with water until boiling, while continuing to stir so that the coconut milk does not break. Add salt and pandan leaves, until boiling. Turn off the stove.

4. Prepare a container or bowl, then put the pearl sago and flush with coconut milk gravy.

5. Serve while warm.

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