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5 Ways to Make Chewy and Delicious Meatballs, Easy to Try at Home

Bakso is one of indonesian's favorite foods. Meatballs are foods made from the basic ingredients of meat. Usually, the meat used to make meatballs is beef. But there are also meatballs made using chicken meat and other meat variants.

Meatballs are usually used as a food menu of choice when the weather is cold or rainy. Meatballs are usually served using a hot gravy with a sprinkling of leeks that make it taste even more delicious.

Meatballs can be found anywhere, ranging from meatball sellers carts around, street meatball sellers, to food stalls even some restaurants have meatballs in the menu list.

If you want to try making meatballs at home, it's very easy, you know. Here's how to make chewy and delicious meatballs that are easy to try at home.

1. Chicken Meatballs



- 1 kg boneless, ground chicken meat

- 1 egg chicken

- 4 cloves garlic, puree

- 50 gr starch/sago

- 40 gr ice cubes, crush

- 2 tsp pepper powder

- 1 tsp salt

- 2 tbsp fried shallots

- 2 liters of water

- Gravy ingredients:

- Fried garlic to taste

- Leeks to taste, finely sliced

- Salt to taste

- Fried shallots to taste

- Water/chicken broth to taste

- Celery to taste, finely sliced

- Sugar to taste

- Pepper powder to taste

How to make:

1. Put the ground chicken meat in a container, mix the starch, chicken eggs, pepper powder, salt, mashed garlic, and fried shallots.

2. Knead by hand or can use the tool until all is perfectly blended.

3. If the dough is still mushy and difficult to form, then add ice cubes little by little until it feels like the dough can be formed.

4. Boil the water in a saucepan until it boils. Take the meat dough by hand, then round it either with both hands or with one hand pressed until the dough comes out through the index finger and thumb.

5. Put the formed dough in hot water. Continue until all the dough runs out. Boil until the meatballs float, then remove and drain the water.

6. Gravy making: Heat water to taste, then season with leeks, fried shallots, fried white bottoms, salt, a little sugar, and pepper.


2. Meatballs Aci (Tapioca) 




- 4 tbsp tapioca flour

- 2 pieces of tofu 2 pieces

- 1 tsp powdered broth (optional)

- 2 tbsp multipurpose wheat flour

- 4 cloves garlic,puree

- 100 ml water

Ingredients of fine seasoning gravy:

- 3 cloves garlic

- 2 curly red chilies

- 2 cloves shallots

- 5 red cayenne peppers

- Salt to taste

- Sugar to taste

Complementary materials:

- 1 lime

- 1 leek, finely sliced

- Pilus cikur (optional)

How to make:

1. Heat the water, then season with fine garlic, salt, and powdered broth until boiling.

2. Mix tapioca flour and wheat flour. Pour water rabusan garlic that has been made little by little until it becomes a dough that can be formed by hand.

3. Shape into round or oblong meatballs. Take the tofu and dredge the middle part, then fill it with the rest of the dough aci.

4. Prepare a large amount of cooking oil. Put some of the molded dough in cold oil, then turn on a high heat. Fry until cooked, then remove and set aside.

5. Process the seasoning ingredients finely, then heat the water to taste to make the gravy. Sauté the spices finely with a little oil until fragrant, then put nutrijell in the gravy stew.

6. Put the rest of the meatball dough aci that has not been fried and meatballs tofu into the gravy.

7. Cook until floating, then remove and serve.


3. Cheese-Filled Beef Meatballs



- 250 gr beef

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1/2 tsp flavoring

- 1 liter of water to boil

- 100 gr of starch

- 100 gr cheddar cheese, diced

- 1 clove garlic, puree

- 1/2 tbsp chicken oil

- 1/2 tsp flavoring

- 1/4 tsp pepper

- 1/4 tsp nutmeg

- 1/4 tsp flavoring

- 1 liter of beef broth

- 1/2 tsp salt

- 1/4 tsp pepper

- Ice cubes to taste

How to make:

1. Mix all meatball ingredients except cheese and water. Once all is mixed puree in a food processor or blender until completely smooth.

2. Cook the water until it boils. Print the meatballs round by hand and fill the middle with cheese.

3. Put the meatballs in boiling water and cook until the meatballs float (approximately 5 minutes), remove.

4. Heat the broth until it boils in a separate saucepan, putting in the cooked meatballs.

5. Add the oil, salt, flavoring and also pepper.

6. Meatballs are ready to be served.


4. Fried Meatballs Chicken Vegetables


- 500 gr chicken breast

- 100 ml chicken stock

- 1 tbsp sesame oil

- 150 gr tapioca flour

- 2 eggs, take the whites

- 2 carrots, chopped dice

- 4 leeks, finely sliced

- 2 cloves garlic

- Salt to taste

- Sugar to taste

How to make:

1. Wash the chicken breast thoroughly, take the meat then puree with garlic, egg whites and chicken broth until smooth.

2. Pour in a clean bowl, add sesame oil, carrots and leeks. Mix well.

3. Add tapioca flour and mix well.

4. Heat the cooking oil, then fry the dough little by little. Print using a spoon.

5. Make sure the hot cooking oil is perfect to produce the perfect cooked fried meatballs.

6. Fry until the meatballs are golden yellow.

7. Fried meatballs of vegetable chicken are ready to be served.


5. Fish Meatballs


- 1 kg mackerel fillet

- 3 tbsp sago flour

- 4 cloves garlic

- 2 eggs chicken  

How to make:

1. Put the fish in a blender with garlic, egg whites, sugar, salt, pepper, and ice cubes to taste. Blend until completely smooth.

2. Pour the blended dough into a container and put the sago flour slowly while kneading until well blended.

3. Boil the water in a saucepan until it boils.

4. Take the meat dough by hand then round it either with both hands or with one hand pressed until the dough comes out through the index finger and thumb.

5. Put the formed dough in hot water.

Continue until all the dough runs out. Boil until the meatballs float, then remove and drain the water.

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